Calculate The Average Of The Last 3, 5, Or N Numeric Values In Google Sheets

As an Google sheets user, you might have come across a task in which you need to calculate the average values of the last 2 numeric values, and you might have done this task manually but suppose if the last values you want to calculate the average exceeds to 3, 5 or N numeric values then what would you do? If you would tend to do this task manually, then it would be your foolish decision because doing these kinds of lengthy tasks manually is very hard, and when it comes to N numeric values, then It would not be wrong to say that this is near to impossible to do it manually.

But don’t worry about it because after carefully reading this article, you can easily calculate the average values of the last 3, 5, and most important N numeric values within seconds.

So without any further delay, let’s dive into it;

Calculate The Average Of The Last 3 Values In Google Sheets

Average the last 3_ 5 or N numeric values in google sheets1 

The General Formula is as below based on the AVERAGE function, LOOKUP function, LARGE function and IF function:

=AVERAGE(LOOKUP(LARGE(IF(ISNUMBER(Values_Range),ROW(Values_Range)),{1,2,3}),ROW(Values_Range), Values_Range))

Note: this above is an array formula, you need to press “CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER” short cuts to make it as array formula.

 Let’s See How This Formula Works

You can use an array formula for getting the average of the last 3 values in the range. The formula in E3 in the example is as follows:

=AVERAGE(LOOKUP(LARGE(IF(ISNUMBER(Values_Range),ROW(Values_Range)),{1,2,3}), ROW(Values_Range), Values_Range))

Average the last 3_ 5 or N numeric values in google sheets1

Here “ Values_Range ” refers to the designated name range B4:B11.

Average the last 3_ 5 or N numeric values in google sheets1

This is an array formula, so input it using control + Shift + enter.

Because the AVERAGE function computes an average of numbers supplied in an array, practically all of the effort in this formula is to construct an array of the latest three numeric values in a range.


The IF function in the formula is used to “filter” numeric numbers from the inside out.

Because the ISNUMBER function returns TRUE for numeric values and FALSE for other values (including blanks), and the ROW function produces row numbers, the outcome of this operation is an array of row numbers corresponding to numeric entries:


Average the last 3_ 5 or N numeric values in google sheets1


The above array is sent to the LARGE function, using the array constants 1,2,3 for k. LARGE ignores FALSE values and returns an array with the greatest three integers, which correspond to the last three rows with numeric values:


Average the last 3_ 5 or N numeric values in google sheets1

=LOOKUP({11,10,8}, ROW(Values_Range), Values_Range))

The above array is used as the lookup value in the LOOKUP function. The ROW function provides the lookup array, and the return array is the named range “ Values_Range “:


Average the last 3_ 5 or N numeric values in google sheets1

The array of similar values in “ Values_Range ” returned by LOOKUP is then put into AVERAGE:


Average the last 3_ 5 or N numeric values in google sheets1

Calculate The Average Of The Last 5 Values IN Google Sheets

Please use the following array formula, which would assist you in calculating the last 5 values in Google Sheets:

In a blank cell, type the following formula:

=IF(COUNT(B:B),AVERAGE(INDEX(B:B,LARGE(IF(ISNUMBER(B1: B10000),ROW(B1: B10000)),MIN(5,COUNT(B1: B10000)))):B10000),"no data found")

Average the last 3_ 5 or N numeric values in google sheets1

Note: B:B is the column that holds the data you used, B1: B10000 is a dynamic range that you may stretch as long as you need, and the number 5 represents the latest n values, and then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to make the formula as array formula to obtain the average of the last 5 numbers. See the following screenshot:

And now, when you enter new numbers underneath the old data, the average is updated as well, as seen in the screenshot:

Average the last 3_ 5 or N numeric values in google sheets1

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