This section will learn how to use Excel’s Logical Functions such as: AND, FALSE, IF, IFError, IFNA, etc.
AND – returns TRUE if all of arguments are TRUE, and it returns FALSE if any of arguments are FALSE.
OR – used to test multiple conditions and returns TRUE if any of the conditions are TRUE.
NOT – returns the opposite of a given logical or Boolean value.
FALSE – returns the logical value “FALSE”
TRUE – return the logical value TRUE.
IF – perform a logical test to return one value if the condition is TRUE and return another value if the condition is FALSE.
IFERROR – returns an alternate value you specify if a formula results in an error, or returns the result of the formula.
IFNA – returns an alternate value you specify if a formula results in an #N/A error, or returns the result of the formula.
SWITCH – ompares one value against a list of values, and returns the result corresponding to the first matching value.
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