This section will learn how to use Excel’s Date And Time Functions such as: ABS, ACOS, ACOSH, Aggregate, ASIN, ASINH, etc.
ABS – returns the absolute value of a number
ACOS – returns the arccosine value of a number
ACOSH – returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number
AGGREGATE – returns an aggregate in a list or database and ignore errors or hidden allow you to apply functions such as: SUM, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SMALL and etc.
ASIN – returns the arcsine value of a number
ASINH – returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number.
ATAN -returns the arctangent of a number.
ATAN2 – returns the arctangent, or inverse tangent, of the specified x- and y-coordinates.
ATANH – returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a given number.
CEILING – returns a given number rounded up to the nearest multiple of a given number of significance.
CEILING.PRECISE – returns a given number rounded up to the nearest multiple of a given number of significance or returns a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer number.
COMBIN – returns the number of combinations for a given number of items.
COMBINA – returns the number of combinations for a given number of items and it includes repetitions.
COS – returns the cosine of a given angle.
COSH – returns the hyperbolic cosine of a given angle.
DEGREES – converts radians into degrees. And it will return a numeric value.
EVEN – rounds a given number up to the nearest even integer.
EXP – returns e raised to the power of a number.
FACT – returns the factorial of a given number.
FLOOR – returns a number rounded down to the nearest multiple of significance.
INT – returns the integer portion of a given number.
LN – returns the natural logarithm of a given number.
LOG – returns the logarithm of a given number based on a supplied base.
LOG10 – returns the base-10 logarithm of a given number.
MDETERM – returns the matrix determinant of an array.
MINVERSE – returns the inverse matrix for a given matrix.
MMULT – returns the matrix product of two arrays.
MOD – returns the remainder of two numbers after division.
ODD – rounds a given number up to the nearest odd integer.
PI – returns the value of mathematical constant PI.
POWER – returns the result of a number raised to a given power.
PRODUCT – multiplies the numbers and returns the product.
RADIANS – converts degrees into radians in Excel.
RAND – returns a random real number that is greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1.
RANDBETWEEN – returns a random integer number that is between the numbers you specify.
ROMAN – converts an arabic numeral to roman and the format is Text for returned value.
ROUND – rounds a number to a specified number of digits.
ROUNDDOWN – round the number down to the specified number of digits.
ROUNDUP – rounds the number up to a specified number of decimal places.
SIGN – returns the sign of a number.
SIN – returns the hyperbolic tangent of a given number.
SINH – returns the hyperbolic sine of a number.
SQRT – returns the square root of a positive number.
SUBTOTAL – returns the subtotal of the numbers in a list or database
SIN – returns the sine of a given angle.
SUM – adds all numbers in a range of cells and returns the sum of these values.
SUMIF – sum the numbers in the range of cells that meet a single criteria that you specify.
SUMIFS – sum the numbers in the range of cells that meet a single or multiple criteria that you specify.
SUMPRODUCT – multiplies corresponding components in the given one or more arrays or ranges, and returns the sum of those products.
SUMSQ – returns the sum of squares of a given set of arguments.
SUMX2MY2 – returns the sum of the difference of squares between two supplied arrays.
SUMXMY2 – returns the sum of the squares of differences between corresponding values in two given arrays and then return the sum of the result.
SUMX2PY2 -returns the sum of the sum of squares of corresponding items in two supplied arrays.
TAN – returns the tangent of a given angle.
TANH -returns the hyperbolic tangent of a given number.
TRUNC– truncates a number to an integer by removing the fractional part of the number.
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