Excel Ribbon


Ribbon Tabs  | show or hide the ribbon  | customize the ribbon | add ribbon tab and groupsrename ribbon tabadd ribbon command to custom group | reset ribbon tabs to defaultCustomize quick access toolbar on ribbonAdd developer tab to ribbon

The Ribbon is the strip of buttons and icons located above the work area. and it is organized into various tabs, such as: File, Home,Insert, Page Layout, Formulas, Data, Review, and View. while clicking on a tab, you will saw all of program’s features and commands.

This section will guide you how to customize/collapse/show/hide/reset/the Ribbon. you will also learn that how to add developer tab to ribbon and how to set quick access toolbar on ribbon.

Ribbon Tabs

The following tabs are shown on the ribbon by default: File, Home, Insert, Page, Layout, Formulas, Data, Review and view. you will find the most basic and frequent features on Home tab.

The Home tab is the default tab in Microsoft excel.  The below screenshot shows an example of the Ribbon Tabs and Home tab in excel 2013.

excel ribbon

Show or Hide the Ribbon(Maximize or Minimize the Ribbon)

If you want to get more space on the screen, you can easily minimize or hide the ribbon by the following 4 ways:

#1 -To minimize the ribbon, just double-click on any of the tab names

#2 – Just press “Ctrl +F1” to hide or show the ribbon

maximize excel ribbon

#3 – Right-click on any ribbon tab name, check “Collapse the Ribbon

excel collapse ribbon

#4 – Click “Ribbon Display Options” icon on the top-right corner, then click “show Tabs

maximize excel ribbon

Let’s see the below minimized ribbon:

minimized excel ribbon

Conversely, To maximize the ribbon, also following the below 4 ways:

#1 – Double-click on any of the tab names(now the ribbon is minimized)

#2 – Press “Ctrl +F1” to show the ribbon again

maximize excel ribbon

#3 – Right-click on any ribbon tab name or anywere on the ribbon , un-check “Collapse the Ribbon

 ribbon maximize the ribbon 2

#4 – Click “Ribbon Display Options” icon on the top-right corner, then click “show Tabs and Commands

ribbon maximize the ribbon

Customize The Ribbon

You can easily customize the ribbon in excel , such as : add, remove, rename, reorder, reset ribbon tabs, groups, commands.

1. Add Ribbon tab and groups

Step1# Right-click on any ribbon tab name or anywhere on the Ribbon , then click “Customize the Ribbon”.

customize the ribbon

Step2#  Click “New Tab” to Add a newly ribbon tab and custom ribbon group.

customize the ribbon

2. Rename ribbon tab

Step 1#  click the tab you want to rename ribbon tab(default or custom tab or groups)

Step 2#  then click “Rename

Step 3#  type the name you want to set.

customize the ribbon-rename tab

3. Add Ribbon command to custom group

Step 1# click the custom group that you want to add a command

Step 2# then choose one command from the left command list

Step 3# next to click “Add” command.

customize the ribbon-add commands

4. Reset ribbon tabs to default 

You can reset all Customizations or just reset only selected ribbon tab,  just click “Reset” button then click  “reset all customizations” or “reset only selected ribbon tab” .

customize the ribbon-reset tab

The below screenshot is the customized result for ribbon tab.

customize the ribbon_result

Customize quick access toolbar on ribbon

You can add the most frequently used command to Quick Access Toolbar.  by default, the Quick Access Toolbar just contains three button: SAVE, Undo Typing and Redo typing. Now we will talk how to add a command to the Quick Access Toolbar.

quick access toolbar

Step 1#  Right-click the appropriate tab or group or everywhere place on ribbon, then click “Add to Quick Access Toolbar

excel add command to quick access toolbar1

How to add a command to the Quick Access Toolbar that isn’t on the ribbon? See the below steps:

Step 1# click Customize the Quick Access Toolbar > More Commands.

excel add command to quick access toolbar2

Step2# Select commands Not in the Quick Access Toolbar, then click “Add” button, then click “OK”.

excel add command to quick access toolbar3

Last, see the result of add command to Quick Access Toolbar.

excel add command to quick access toolbar4

Add developer tab to ribbon

If you want to write macros, use XML commands/ActiveX controls… you need to add developer tab to ribbon, As the Developer tab is not displayed by default. To display developer Tab , just refer to the following steps:

Step 1#  Right-click any ribbon tabs or black space on the ribbon, then click “Customize the Ribbon…”

customize the ribbon

Step 2# check “Developer” tabs under “Customize the ribbon” list. Then click “ok” button.

add developer tab to ribbon 2

Now let’s see the result:

add developer tab to ribbon 3


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