How to Check If the First Letter is capitalized


This post explains that how to check if the first letter in a cell is capitalized or not in excel. How to write an excel Macro to check if the first letter in a specified cell is capitalized or not. How to test if the first letter in a table cell is capitalized with VBA macro in excel. How to capitalize the first letter in a cell with Excel formula.

Check if the first letter is or not capitalized

To check if the first letter in a text string is or not capitalized, you can write an Excel macro to achieve it. So you can follow the below steps to check the first letter:

1# click on “Visual Basic” command under DEVELOPER Tab.

Get the position of the nth using excel vba1

2# then the “Visual Basic Editor” window will appear.

3# click “Insert” ->”Module” to create a new module

convert column number to letter3

4# paste the below VBA code into the code window. Then clicking “Save” button.

check if first letter capitalized1

Sub TestFirstLetterUpper()
    Dim xRg As Range
    Dim xAsc As Integer
    Set xRg = Range("B1")
    xAsc = Asc(Mid(xRg.Value, 1, 1))
    If xAsc > 64 And xAsc < 91 Then
        MsgBox "The first letter in Cell B1 is capitalized."
        MsgBox " The first letter in Cell B1 is not capitalized "
    End If
End Sub

This VBA code will check if the first letter in Cell B1 is capitalized or not. So you just need to change it to other cells or range as you need.

Or you can use another VBA Macro to achieve the same result:

Sub TestFirstLetterUpper2()
    var1 = "B1"
    If UCase(Left(var1, 1)) = Left(var1, 1) Then
        MsgBox "First letter capitalized"
        MsgBox "First letter not capitalized"
    End If
End Sub

5# back to the current worksheet, then run the above excel macro.

check if first letter capitalized2

check if first letter capitalized2

Capitalize the first letter in a Cell

Normally, it is very easy to capitalize all letters in a cell in excel, you just need to use the PROPER function to convert it.


capitalized first letter1

If you want to capitalize only the first letter in a cell, you can create an excel formula based on the REPLACE function, the UPPER function and the LEFT function.

Assuming that you’d like to capitalize the first letter in a first word in Cell B1, then you can write down the following formula:


check if first letter capitalized4

You can also use another excel formula to achieve the same result as follows:


check if first letter capitalized5

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