How to Count Number of Cells that Contain Exactly N Characters in Excel

This post will guide you how to count the number of cells that contain exactly N charcters within a range of cells using a formula in Excel 2013/2016.You can easily to count cells equal to a specific value or text string through COUNTIF function. But if there is an easy way to count cells that contain a certain length  in your data range.

Count Number of Cells that Contain Exactly N Characters

If you want to count the number of cells that contain a certain length or a certain number of characters(7 characters) in range A1:B6, you can create a formula based on the COUNTIF function. Like this:




count number of cells that contain certain characters1

count number of cells that contain certain characters2

You would see that the above formulas will count the number of cells in a given range A1:B6 which contain exactly 7 characters.

Note: A1:B6 is the range from which to count the cells that contain seven characters.


This above formula will use the question mark “?” character to match one character. So if you wish to match seven characters, and you just need to add 7 characters into the formula.

The REPT function will return a text string made of exactly 7 question marks.

The COUNTIF function will count all the cells in the range that contain exactly 7 characters.

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