How to extract word that starting with a specific character

This post will guide you how to extract a word that starts with a specific character in excel.

Extract word that starting with a specific character

For example, Assuming that you have a text string that contains email address in Cell B1, and if you want to extract word that begins with a specific character “@” sign, you can use a combination with the TRIM function, the LEFT function, the SUBSTITUTE function, the MID function, the FIND function, the LEN function and the REPT function to create an excel formula as follows:


Let’s see how this formula works:


The LEN function returns the number of characters in a text string in Cell B1. The returned result goes into the MID function as its num_chars argument.


= FIND(“@”,B1)

extracts word begins specific character1

The FIND function returns the position of the first specific character “@” sign in Cell B1. It returns 9. It goes into the MID function as its start_num argument.


=MID(B1, FIND(“@”,B1), LEN(B1))

extracts word begins specific character2

The MID function extracts a substring at the starting position (returned by the FIND function) and num_chars value (returned by LEN function)


=REPT(” “,LEN(B1))

This formula repeats empty string a specified number of times returned by the LEN function. It will go into the SUBSTITUTE function as its new_text argument.


= SUBSTITUTE(MID(B1, FIND(“@”,B1), LEN(B1)),” “,REPT(” “,LEN(B1)))

extracts word begins specific character3

The SUBSTITUTE function will replace all empty string with another new text string returned by the REPT function from a text string returned by the MID function.  Then the returned value goes into the LEFT function as its Text argument.


= LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(MID(B1, FIND(“@”,B1), LEN(B1)),” “,REPT(” “,LEN(B1))),LEN(B1))

extracts word begins specific character3

The LEFT function extracts a specified number of the characters from a text string returned by the SUBSTITUTE function, starting from the leftmost character and the num_chars value is equal to the length of the string in Cell B1.


extracts word begins specific character5

The TRIM function removes all spaces from text string returned by the LEFT function, just leave one space between words.

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