This post explains that how to get the nth occurrence value with multiple criteria using INDEX and MATCH in excel. How to find the first, second or nth match with multiple criteria in excel. How to return the nth match on a multiple criteria using INDEX and MATCH.
In the previous post, we talked that get the nth match value with only one criteria.
Also, we also talked that how to Lookup the Value with Multiple Criteria to find the first occurrence match in excel.
Table of Contents
1. Find nth Occurrence with Multiple Criteria Using Formula
If you want to find the nth occurrence with multiple criteria, you can use a combination with the INDEX function, SMALL function, nested IF function and ROW function to create a complex excel formula like this:
For example, if you want to get the bonus value in the excel range D2:D10 that must meet two criteria, and the first one is that the member name is equal to the string “jenny” in the range A2:A10, and the second criteria is that the location is equal to “London” in the range B2:B10. So we can write down the following array formula:
=INDEX(D2:D10, SMALL(IF(A2:A10="jenny",IF(B2:B10="London", ROW(A2:A10)-ROW(INDEX(A2:A10,1,1))+1)),2))
Note: after entering this formula in the formula bar, you need to press CTRL+SHIFT+Enter key to convert it as array formula.
Let’s see how this formula works:

This formula returns the relative position of the range A2:A10, it returns an array result like this:
For More detailed description, you can continue to read this post: How to Find the Relative Position in a Range or Table
=IF(A2:A10=”jenny”,IF(B2:B10=”London”, ROW(A2:A10)-ROW(INDEX(A2:A10,1,1))+1))

This function is a nested IF function, it will check each item of range A2:A10 firstly and if it is equal to the string “jenny”, if TRUE, then continue to check each item of range B2:B10 if it is equal to the string “London”, if TRUE, return the relative position of row. Otherwise, return FALSE. So this formula returns an array result like this:
=SMALL(IF(A2:A10=”jenny”,IF(B2:B10=”London”, ROW(A2:A10)-ROW(INDEX(A2:A10,1,1))+1)),2)

The SMALL function returns the second smallest value from the array result returned by the above nested IF function. It returns 5.
So far, we got the position of the second occurrence of bonus value that meet two criteria as requested above.
=INDEX(D2:D10, SMALL(IF(A2:A10=”jenny”,IF(B2:B10=”London”, ROW(A2:A10)-ROW(INDEX(A2:A10,1,1))+1)),2))

The INDEX function extract the values at a position that returned by the SMALL function. So it is the bonus value of the second occurrence in the range D2:D10. It is 165.
2. Find nth Occurrence with Multiple Criteria Using VBA Code
Now, moving on to the second method, we’ll explore the power of VBA code to achieve the same task. This method offers additional customization options and automation capabilities, making it suitable for more complex scenarios or repetitive tasks.
Press ‘Alt + F11’ to open the Visual Basic for Applications editor.
Right-click on any item in the project explorer , hover over “Insert” and select “Module” to add a new module.
In the newly created module, copy and paste the following VBA code:
Function FindNthOccurrence(criteria1 As Range, criteria2 As Range, nth As Integer, dataRange As Range)
Dim i As Long
Dim count As Long
count = 0
For i = 1 To dataRange.Rows.count
If dataRange.Cells(i, 1).Value = criteria1.Value And dataRange.Cells(i, 2).Value = criteria2.Value Then
count = count + 1
If count = nth Then
FindNthOccurrence = dataRange.Cells(i, 3).Value
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next i
FindNthOccurrence = "Not Found"
End Function
Close the VBA editor by clicking the “X” button or pressing ‘Alt + Q’. Return to your Excel workbook.
In any cell where you want to display the result, enter the formula like this:
=FindNthOccurrence(F2, F3, F4, A2:C10)
Replace “criteria1” and “criteria2” with the criteria you’re searching for, “nth” with the occurrence number you’re looking for, and “dataRange” with the range where you’re searching.
After entering the formula, press Enter to execute it.
The VBA function will search for the nth occurrence that matches the specified criteria in the given range and display the result.
3. Video: Find nth Occurrence with Multiple Criteria
This Excel video tutorial where we’ll explore two methods to find the nth occurrence with multiple criteria. We delve into the first method using a formula based on the INDEX and MATCH functions, followed by the second method utilizing VBA code.
4. Related Formulas
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5. Related Functions
- Excel INDEX function
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