How to Find the Smallest Value and Smallest Positive Value in Excel

Sometimes we want to find out the smallest positive value among a set of values. We should ignore the negative value and zero value when getting the smallest positive value. So we design different cases in this article to demonstrate how can we get the smallest positive value by different formulas.

Returns the Smallest Value by Small Function

If there are all positive values for a set of values, we can use SMALL function to get the smallest value directly. See the table below.

Find the Smallest Positive Value 1

There are a set of values, obliviously the smallest value is 1. But if we want use a formula to find out the smallest value, we can use SMALL function.

Step 1: In D2 cell, enter the formula =SMALL(A2:B6,1).

Find the Smallest Positive Value 2

Step 2: Click Enter to get the result.

Find the Smallest Positive Value 3

Returns the k-th Smallest Value by Small Function

In above case, we enter the formula =SMALL(A2:B6,1) then we can get the smallest value 1. For SMALL function, the parameter is SMALL(array,k), k is ‘Returns the k-th minimum value in the dataset’. So, we can change k number to get the k-th smallest value.

Follow above steps, in D2 cell change the formula to =SMALL(A2:B6,2). Then we can get the second smallest value 2.

Find the Smallest Positive Value 4

Returns the Smallest Positive Value by Small Function

Find the Smallest Positive Value 5

Update above table a little. Replace a positive number with 0. So If we still use above SMALL function without any criteria, it will return 0 as the smallest value. So if we still want to use the SMALL function here, we need to count the number of zero value, then we need to add 1 base on the number of zero value.

Step 1: In D2 cell, enter the formula =SMALL(A2:B6,COUNTIF(A2:B6,0)+1), where COUNTIF function is used for counting the number of zero value.

Find the Smallest Positive Value 6

Step 2: Let’s replace some values with zero values and check the formula again.

Find the Smallest Positive Value 7

Returns the Smallest Positive Value by MIN Function

If we don’t want to add any criteria in SMALL formula to identify if zero value or negative value exists among the set of values, we can directly use MIN function.

See the table below, it contains both negative value and zero value.

Find the Smallest Positive Value 8

Step 1: In D2 cell, enter the formula =MIN(IF(A2:B6>0,A2:B6)). IF function returns an array which satisfy the criteria ‘every value in the array >0’.

Step 2: Press control+shift+enter to returns value.

Find the Smallest Positive Value 9

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