This post will guide you how to replace all characters before the first match of a specific character with a new text string in excel. How to replace substring before the first occurrence of the comma character with another substring in a text string using excel formula.
Table of Contents
1. Replace all characters before a specific character
If you want to replace characters before the first match of the comma character in a text string in Cell B1, you need to get all characters before the first comma firstly, and we have talked that how to extract text before a specific character in the previous post. So you still need to use the SUBSTITUTE function to replace the old_text with new_text. So you can use the following formula:
Let’s see how this formula works:

This formula returns the position of the first match of the comma character in a text string in Cell B1, then subtract 1 by the position number to get the length of substring before the first comma, so it returns 5. And the returned value goes into the LEFT function as its num_chars argument.

This formula extracts the left-most 5 characters from a text string in Cell B1. So the extracted string goes into the SUBSTITUTE function as its old_text argument.

This formula will replace the first old_text returned by the LEFT function with new_text “excelhow” in a text string in Cell B1.
If you want to replace all old_text with new_text, you just need to remove the third argument of the SUBSTITUTE function, just like the below:

You will see that all of old_text are replaeced with new text “excelhow” in Cell B1.
2. Replace Text before a specific character using FIND&Select command
You can also use the Find and Replace command to replace text after a specified character, just refer to the following steps:
1# Click “HOME“->”Find&Select”->”Replace…”, then the window of the Find and Replace will appear.

2# click “Replace” Tab, then type e*, into the Find what: text box, and then type “excelhow” string in the Replace with: text box.

3# click “Replace All“

You will see that all characters before the first comma character are replaced with “excelhow” string.
3. Video: replace all characters before the first specific character
This Excel video tutorial, we’ll cover two effective methods for managing text in your spreadsheets. First, we’ll delve into using Excel Formulas to replace all characters before the first match of a specific character. Then, we’ll streamline the process using the Find & Replace feature.
4. Related Formulas
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Related Functions
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