This post will guide you how to split multiple lines from a cell into separated rows or columns in Excel. You will learn that how to extract text string separated by line break character into rows in excel 2013.
In the previous post, we talked that how to split text string by only one line break character. And this post will talk that how to split text string by multiple line break character (multiple lines) into rows.
Table of Contents
1. Split Multiple Lines from a Cell into Rows
If you have multiple lines in a cell and each line is separated by line break character or press “alt + enter” key while you entering the text string into cells, and you need to extract the multiple lines into the separated rows or columns, you can use a combination with the TRIM function, the MID function, the SUBSTITUTE function, the REPT function, the LEN function to create a complex excel formula.
For example, to extract multiple lines in Cell B2, then put it into C2, D2 or E2. You can write down the following excel formula:
=TRIM( MID(SUBSTITUTE( $B2, CHAR(10), REPT( " ",LEN($B2) ) ), (C$1-1)*LEN($B2)+1, LEN($B2)) )
Let’s see how this formula works:
The CHAR function returns the character specified by a number. If the number is 10, it will return a line break character in text string.
The LEN function returns the total length of text string in Cell B2.
= REPT( ” “,LEN($B2)
This formula will repeat empty string a given number of times that returned by the LEN function. It will return a new text string.
=SUBSTITUTE( $B2, CHAR(10), REPT( ” “,LEN($B2) ) )

The SUBSTITUTE function will replace all line break characters with a new text string returned by the REPT function in a text string in Cell B1. The returned string will go into the MID FUNCTION as its text argument.
= (C$1-1)*LEN($B2)+1
This formula returns the starting position of the first, second, or third or nth substring. The returned value goes into the MID function as its start_num argument.
=MID(SUBSTITUTE( $B2, CHAR(10), REPT( " ",LEN($B2) ) ), (C$1-1)*LEN($B2)+1, LEN($B2))

The returned result of the last LEN function is the number of the characters that you want to extract from a text string in Cell B2. It goes into the MID function as its num_chars argument.
The MID function extract a substring from a text string returned by the SUBSTITUTE function based on start_num and num_chars arguments. The returned substring is what you want to extract.

The TRIM function removes all spaces from text string except for single spaces between words.
2. Split Multiple Lines from a Cell into Rows using VBA Code
Now, moving on to the second method, we’ll explore using VBA code to achieve the same task. This method provides more flexibility and customization options for splitting multiple lines from a cell into rows.
Press Alt + F11 on your keyboard. This keyboard shortcut opens the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) editor.
In the VBA editor window, locate the Project Explorer pane on the left-hand side. If it’s not visible, you can enable it by pressing Ctrl + R.
Right-click on any existing module or within the “Modules” folder (if available) and select Insert, then click Module. This action inserts a new module into the project.
In the newly created module, copy and paste the following VBA code:
Sub SplitLinesIntoRows()
Dim sourceRange As Range
Dim sourceCell As Range
Dim destCell As Range
Dim splitText() As String
Dim i As Integer
' Prompt to select source range
On Error Resume Next
Set sourceRange = Application.InputBox("Select the range of cells containing the text with multiple lines:", Type:=8)
On Error GoTo 0
If sourceRange Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No source range selected. Operation aborted."
Exit Sub
End If
' Prompt to select destination cell
On Error Resume Next
Set destCell = Application.InputBox("Select the top-left cell of the destination range where you want to split the lines:", Type:=8)
On Error GoTo 0
If destCell Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No destination cell selected. Operation aborted."
Exit Sub
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each sourceCell In sourceRange
' Store the value of the source cell
Dim sourceValue As Variant
sourceValue = sourceCell.Value
' Split the text and insert into rows
splitText = Split(sourceValue, Chr(10))
' Place each returned value in one row
For i = 0 To UBound(splitText)
destCell.Offset(0, i).Value = splitText(i)
Next i
Set destCell = destCell.Offset(1, 0) ' Move to the next row for the next source cell
Next sourceCell
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Close the VBA editor window to return to your Excel workbook. You can do this by clicking the close button (X) on the VBA editor window or pressing Alt + Q.
Press Alt + F8 on your keyboard. This opens the “Macro” dialog box.
In the “Macro” dialog box, you should see a list of available macros. Select the macro named SplitLinesIntoRows from the list. Click the Run button. This will execute the macro.
After running the macro, you’ll be prompted to select the range of cells containing the text with multiple lines. Click and drag to select the desired range, then click ok button.
Next, you’ll be prompted to select the top-left cell of the destination range where you want to split the lines. Click on the desired cell, then click OK button.
After the macro finishes running, you should see that each returned value for one source cell should now be placed into one row, starting from the specified destination range.
3. Video: Split Multiple Lines from a Cell into Rows
This Excel video tutorial on splitting multiple lines from a cell into rows. In this tutorial, we’ll explore two methods: using a formula with TRIM, MID, and SUBSTITUTE functions, and utilizing VBA code.
4. Related Formulas
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5. Related Functions
- Excel TRIM function
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