List All Sheet Names into ComboBox

This post will guide you how to populate comboBox using the names of the sheets of the current workbook in excel. How do I fill combobox with all sheet names with VBA code in excel. How to list all sheet names of opened workbook into ComboBox on a userform with VBA code in excel.

1. Populate ComboxBox with All sheet Names

If you wish for the combobox to be populated using all sheet names of the workbook, you can use an excel VBA just do the following steps:

#1 open your excel workbook and then click on “Visual Basic” command under DEVELOPER Tab, or just press “ALT+F11” shortcut.

Get the position of the nth using excel vba1

#2 then the “Visual Basic Editor” window will appear.

#3 click “Insert” ->”UserForm” to create a new userForm.

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#4 insert a combo box control into the new userform.

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#5 right click on the combo box, and then select View Code from the context menu list.

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6# paste the below VBA code into the code window. Then clicking “Save” button.

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Dim I As Long
    For I = 1 To Sheets.Count
        Me.ComboBox1.AddItem Sheets(I).Name
    Me.ComboBox1.Value = ActiveSheet.Name
End Sub
list all sheet name into combobox5

7# run the above excel macro. Click Run button or press F5 key . You will see that all sheet names of the current workbook are shown in the combo box of Userform.

list all sheet name into combobox4

2. Video: Populate ComboxBox with All sheet Names

This Excel video tutorial where we’ll guide you through the process of dynamically listing all sheet names in a ComboBox using VBA in Excel. This feature is perfect for creating user-friendly interfaces in your workbooks.

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