Split full name to first and last name

This post will guide you how to split the full name to the first name and last name in the different cells in excel. How to create an excel formula to split the full name to first name and last name. How to get the middle name from the full name string using a formula.

Split full name to first and last name

Assuming that you have a full name list in a table or range B2:B3 and you want to get the first name from this full name list and then put it in another cell. Or you just only want to extract the last name from the full name string, and put it in other cell. You can use a combination of the LEFT function and FIND function to create a formula to extract the first name from the full name.

You can create another formula based on the RIGHT function, the LEN function, the FIND function and the SUBSTITUTE function to extract the last name.

Split full name to get first name

You can write down the following formula to get the first name:

=LEFT(B2, FIND(" ",B2,1)-1)

Let’s see how this formula works:

= FIND(” “,B2,1)-1

split full name to get first name1

This formula returns the position of the first space character in the full name string. And the number is subtracted 1 to get the length of the first name in the full name string.

=LEFT(B2, FIND(” “,B2,1)-1)

split full name to get first name2

This formula will extract the first name from the full name string based on the length of the first name returned by the FIND function.

Split full name to get Last name

You can use the following formula to extract the last name:

=RIGHT(B2, LEN(B2)- FIND("#",SUBSTITUTE(B2," ","#",2),1))

Let’s see how this formula works:

= SUBSTITUTE(B2,” “,”#”,2)

split full name to get last name3

This formula locate the position of the second space string and then replace it with hash character. It goes into the FIND function as its Text argument.


= FIND(“#”,SUBSTITUTE(B2,” “,”#”,2),1)

split full name to get last name4

This formula returns the position of the hash character in the text string that returned by the SUBSTITUTE function. The number is also the position of the second space character in the full name string.

= LEN(B2)- FIND(“#”,SUBSTITUTE(B2,” “,”#”,2),1)


split full name to get last name5

This formula returns the length of the last name in the full name string.



split full name to get last name6

This formula extracts the right most characters based on the length of the last name.

Split full name to get Middle name

If you want to extract the middle name from the full name string, you can write down the following formula:

= MID(B2,FIND(" ",B2)+1,FIND("#",SUBSTITUTE(B2," ","#",2),1)- FIND(" ",B2,1)-1)

Let’s see how this formula works:

split full name to get last name4

This formula returns the position of the hash character in the text string that returned by the SUBSTITUTE function. The number is also the position of the second space character in the full name string.


= FIND(” “,B2,1)-1

split full name to get first name1

This formula returns the position of the first space character in the full name string. And the number is subtracted 1 to get the length of the first name in the full name string.


=FIND(“#”,SUBSTITUTE(B2,” “,”#”,2),1)- FIND(” “,B2,1)-1

split full name to get middle name 1

This formula returns the length of the middle name in the full name string.  And it goes into the MID function as its num_chars argument.

= FIND(” “,B2)+1

split full name to get middle name 1

This formula returns the position of the first character of middle name in the full name string. It goes into the MID function as its start_num argument.


split full name to get middle name 3

This formula extracts the middle name from the full name based on the start_num and num_chars arguments.

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