Sum if Cells Begin with Specific Text or Number in Another Cells

This post will guide you how to sum cells if cells begin with a specific text or number in another column in excel. How do I sum if cells start with specific text or number in another cells in excel.

Assuming that you have a list of data A1:B4, and you want to sum all cells in column B if cells in column A begin with a specific text “excel” or a specific number “201”, how to achieve it.


Sum if Cells Begin with Specific Text or Number

If you want to sum cells in column B when the adjacent cells in column A start with a specific test “excel”, you can create a formula based on the SUMIF function. like this:

=SUMIF(A1:A4,"excel*", B1:B4)

sum cells begin specific textor number1

This function will sum cells in range B1:B4, but it must be match the given criteria that cells in A1:A4 start with the specific text “excel”.

If you want to sum cell in column b when the adjacent cell in column A start with a specific number “201”, and you also can create a formula based on the SUMPRODUCT function and the LEFT function. Like this:


sum cells begin specific textor number2

The LEFT function will extract the first 3 numbers, cos the number 201 have three digits.

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