Sumif with 3D Reference for Multiple Worksheet

This post will guide you how to create 3d references to conditionally sum identical ranges that exist in the multiple sheets, and make it all in only one formula. How do I create a formula to sumif with 3d reference for multiple worksheet based on multiple criteria in excel.

1. Sumif with 3D Reference for Multiple worksheet

If you want to sum 3d references across the different worksheet, and you need to create a complex formula based on the SUMPRODUCT function, the SUMIF function, and the INDIRECT function.

For example, you have a workbook with four worksheets (summary, sheet1,sheet2,and sheet3), and you want to create a formula in the summary worksheet to sum across the number of sales tab based on two criteria. How to achieve it. Let’s do the following steps:

#1 create a name range “sheets” that contains multiple worksheet names(sheet1,sheet2,sheet3)

sumif 3d reference1
sumif 3d reference3

#2 switch to summary sheet, and type this formula in Cell B1 to sum the sales across name range.


#3 press Enter key in your keyboard and then drag the AutoFill handler over other cell to apply this formula.

sumif 3d reference2

2. Video: Sumif with 3D Reference for Multiple worksheet

This Excel video tutorial where we’ll explore the powerful combination of functions that allow us to perform conditional sums across multiple worksheets with a single formula.

3. Related Functions

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